Let’s look at some popular photography trends for 2022 and how you can apply them to your unique photography style!

Beginner’s Guide to Natural Light Photography
Each of these parameters may be tweaked to get the ideal exposure or the perfect balance of light and dark

Club Huaytiquina nuevamente enfrenta una amenaza de embargo por mala administración
El Club Unión Huaytiquina de Campo Quijano, uno de los pilares deportivos de la comunidad, se encuentra nuevamente en el centro de una situación crítica: un embargo superior a los $3.700.000, gestionado por el abogado Ramiro Ulivarri, amenaza con llevar…

The Best Walking Tours In Rome
Rome is a city with layers. Literally. Stretching back thousands of years, the ancient Italian capital has been built and rebuilt, sieged and sacked, and rebuilt some more. Its history is linked to countless world-changing events over the past 2,500…